How To Not Get Bored during Quarantine!


Make the best use of your time during COVID-19

Staying at home during quarantine is the wisest thing we can do at the moment!

But, it’s getting somewhat boring.

To kill the time, think about everything you thought you’d do when you’ll get time. Now is a perfect time to do that.

But, if you don’t know what to do during this crisis, here’s a list of things that you can do without putting yourself and others around you at risk.

1. Cook together

Since you can’t dine out, bond with your family by helping them in the kitchen and other house chores.

Host your own cooking show from home and film it for fun (make sure your whole family participates in one or the other way). Surely, you’ll have a few good laughs while filming and watching it later will make you smile!

People cutting vegetables together
Have a flour-throwing competition!

2. Reading club at home

Make your own reading club at home!

Ask every member of your family to start reading a book. Race to see who finishes it the quickest. After everybody has finished reading, sit down, and discuss the theme and story plot with your fam.

Or ask your friends to read a book and discuss it with them online.

Open book in lap
You can never run out of books to read

3. Movie Night

Plan to watch a movie alone or ask your family to join you!

No matter how many movies you’ve watched, there’ll still be movies that you don’t know about.

Grab plenty of popcorn and snacks and start watching new movies, or rewatch the ones you can’t get over!

burning candle and open laptop
Classics never get old

4. Make a Family Scrapbook

Compile the family pictures that make you nostalgic and paste them on the scrapbook. 

Write your thoughts, relive those moments. Fill your scrapbook with happy memories!

journal and pens.
Remember that time you fell in the tub?

5. Self Care

Since you’ve got all the time you ever needed, make use of this self-isolation by taking self-care. Ask your family to join you.

Set a routine and follow it regularly. Practice yoga, meditate and keep on exercising. By the time quarantine will end, you’ll get into the habit of self-care.

Man doing yoga
Inhale. Exhale

6. Dinner Party

When you can’t go out and nobody can come in, plan a dinner party with your family.

Set candle lights, turn on the fairy lights, and enjoy the quarantined dinner party.

Burning candles on dinner table
Make sure the curtains don’t catch fire

7. Paint

Express yourself through painting. Get creative on the canvas and paint your mind out.

If you don’t know how to paint, learn from YouTube tutorials and recreate it till you’re able to create!

Man painting.
Hello Picasso

8. Redecorate your home

Considering the amount of time you have on your hands, might as well change the setting of the house.

Redecorate, wash the curtains, paint the walls, be your own designer here!

decorated room.
decorated room

9. Play games

Since everyone’s home, play the games you used to play before you grew up.

Play hide and seek, hide behind the door, under the bed or in the cupboard, and make sure to scare them good!

Play cards or board games. There are plenty of games that we can play inside while keeping ourselves and others safe.

Old man playing cards.
The cards have been dealt

10. Play Esports and Join Tournaments

In this era of advanced technology, it’s impossible not to find anything online.

Keep practicing the games you’re good at. Keep playing!

Kafu Games, by Hala Yalla, brings you the hottest most popular sports tournaments for the biggest titles on every device. Participate in PUBG, FIFA, Fortnite, Overwatch, COD, and more to win the prize money.

Kafu FIFA banner
Your ultimate esports platform

Make the best use of this time and spend time with your family. This is going to be the only time when you’re told to stay at home and do nothing!

Download the Hala Yalla app for live-streaming classes on cooking, sports, health, arts, and more!

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Stay home, stay safe!

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